If your water bills have been giving you pause, consider these water smart strategies to save water and money.

  1. Water less

Less is more when it comes to watering. By watering less often, but deeply, we create deep healthy roots, which better survive times of drought. 1-1/2 inches of water every five days is a good goal.


You can also water less by switching to a drip irrigation system for your garden and trees. Low volume drips reduce evaporation and runoff and better saturate the beds of flowers, vegetables and trees.


  1. Make a date for regular checkups

Twice a year, inspect your sprinkler system. Clogged heads, dirty filters and damaged lines wreak havoc on your water bill and waste, it is estimated, up to 25,000 gallons of water each year. For large or heavy-use systems, monthly inspections are recommended.


Regular checkups also give you an opportunity to identify misdirected sprinkler heads, make seasonal adjustments that address changing water needs, and ultimately extend the life of your system by flushing destructive lime deposits.


Keep in mind; long overdue repairs are like bandages. The best strategy is to keep your system in top condition, before permanent damage occurs.

  1. Get paid to go high tech / Get paid to upgrade

New technologies reduce water waste and can even detect when to water your lawn. These tools so effectively reduce waste that the City of Austin wants to give you over $400 to get smarter irrigation tools.


Rain sensors prevent your sprinkler from watering when it rains. The most sophisticated systems, called weather-based irrigation controllers, capture real-time weather data. Less sophisticated, but equally effective, soil moisture sensors adjust watering based upon the amount of moisture in the ground. Upgrade your system with either of these smart tools and receive up to $50 in rebates.


Smarter sprinkler heads also minimize evaporation, runoff, and over spray. Precision spray nozzles and drip irrigation heads can save you up to 30% water savings and qualify for rebates.


  1. Don’t let it evaporate

Keep the water you get by reducing evaporation. Here are a few simple steps:

  • Watch the clock and water in the early morning. We suggest you set your timer for 5 a.m.


  • Don’t water the pavement. Make sure you are only watering things that grow.


  • Keep your grass taller. The additional height provides shade and better retains moisture.


  • Pile on the mulch, compost and grass clippings. They suffocate weeds that steal water and create a moisture barrier.

  1. Reduce demand with a water-wise plan

Watch your water bill drop when you modify your landscape with these water-wise ideas:


  • Lose some of your lawn. Grass has a tremendous appetite for water. Smartcaping incorporates native and adaptive plants perfectly suited to this climate. We are not talking about rock gardens, but potentially lush green landscapes. Once established, these plants require little or no watering.

  • Create permeable cover with open pavers, river rock or gravel that lets the rain in to the deepest levels of your land where it does the most good.


  • Send rain where it is needed by creating berms, swales and rain gardens. They add sculptural interest to your garden design while sending runoff water to the areas that need it.


For additional information on rebates, product recommendation and other free tools, visit our smart watering tools page for more info.


If you have questions on how you can save money while saving water, contact us! We are always happy to help.