News & Blog

Gardens Built for Rain

Do you have a sloping lawn or a shallow depression where the rain always seems to collect and nothing seems to grow? If yes, then you will want to consider a rain garden. Rain gardens are ideal solutions to drainage problems, which may plague your otherwise beautiful lawn. Not only are rain gardens an attractive way to address a common lawn issue, they are a smart water-wise solution bringing multiple benefits. What is a rain garden? A rain garden is designed to…

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Go Native!

Why we love native plants and you will too October is an important month. If you want a gorgeous lawn and garden next spring, the actions you take this month are essential. In addition to the important steps covered in our reminders, this is a great time to consider what else you can do to improve your garden. What do we suggest? Go native! The reason is simple, utilizing native plants in your landscape is not only a stunning way…

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Autumn Splash of Color

Want to add a splash of color to your autumn garden? Did you know that it is not too late to plant flowers that will delight until the first frost? With summer drawing to a close, it feels like an end to things. But in central Texas, this is the start of a second growing season and a great time to add a pop of late season color to your garden. Here are some lovely late-blooming varietals that you can…

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Survive the Heat to Save your Lawn

10 Best Ways to Save Your Lawn in the Summer Heat August is a tough month for lawns and gardens in Texas and this summer’s Heat Dome presents even greater challenges. How can you keep your lawn green and thriving? By following a few simple tips! 1. Maximize your weekly water use Despite Austin water restrictions, it is possible to keep your lawn healthy in this heat. Since infrequent deep soaks encourage root growth better than frequent light watering one…

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