Container gardens are a great feature, especially when you have a small garden or no garden. Pots of plants adorn balconies, add warmth to patios and decks, and brighten doorways.
Containers, however, can also solve many problems, even in large gardens. Here are 6 clever ways to use containers to solve some common garden problems.
Problem 1: Nothing grows here
Poor soil quality, steep slopes, areas under mature trees or of heavy drainage are challenges for any gardener.
The solution:
Containers allow you to stabilize and control the quality of soil. Build a container into a slope and you control erosion. Secure pots in a gravel bed below your mighty oak tree and bring life to a formerly barren landscape.
Problem 2: Interesting focal point needed
Your garden looks great, but you want a focal point to draw the eye.
The solution:
Bold ceramic pots, rustic metal containers, or elevated trays will add a point of interest to your garden. A boldly colored container can be the star itself or colorful plantings can star as they spill over the edge or your container.
Problem 3: Privacy
You crave privacy but do not wish to build a solid wall or fence that blocks all the light.
The solution:
Consider containers filled with tall, structured plants like bamboo, horsetail or grasses. An added benefit is that plants like these are contained to just the location and size you desire.
Problem 4: An unattractive wall
A plain wall is unattractive and challenging when there is little or no space to grow a garden.
The solution:
Go vertical. Add character to a wall by installing a wall unit filled with succulents or other plants.
Problem 5: Growing vegetables on the small
You want to grow your own food, but are not quite ready to commit to a large garden or simply haven’t space.
The solution:
Start small – with containers it is easy!
Many varieties of vegetables and herbs are ideally suited to small containers. Check out this post from the University of Maryland Extension, which highlights some clever, inexpensive and really small vegetable gardens.
Problem 6: Save my knees, please!
You love gardening but cannot keep up with the challenges of weeding on your knees.
The solution:
Raised box containers are a wonderful way to tend your favorite blooms or vegetables. Purchase one like we show here or build your own custom solution. Your knees will thank you!

This raised box comes from Gardeners Supply Company.
There are many other great ways to use containers. If you have ideas or questions, contact us! We would be happy to help with suggestions.