Do you have a sloping lawn or a shallow depression where the rain always seems to collect and nothing seems to grow?
If yes, then you will want to consider a rain garden.
Rain gardens are ideal solutions to drainage problems, which may plague your otherwise beautiful lawn.
Not only are rain gardens an attractive way to address a common lawn issue, they are a smart water-wise solution bringing multiple benefits.
What is a rain garden?
A rain garden is designed to catch water. Instead of rainwater running from your downspout into a muddy pit, ditch or low-lying area, a rain garden captures, filters and reabsorbs water. Native plants and stone construction filter the water while making an eye-catching feature.
Rain gardens provide many benefits:
- Replaces an unattractive area with a beautiful garden
- Conserves water that that would otherwise become polluted “run-off”
- Protects water quality
- Reduces flooding and erosion
Rebate for your rain garden
Rain gardens are such a benefit for the environment, that Austin Water provides a rebate for their construction.
With Autumn and Winter rains on the way, this is an ideal time to contact us to learn more about solving your drainage concern with an attractive rain garden.