As the days heat up, the summer dangers of snakes and scorpions return. The crew has been noticing rattlers lately, so we wish to remind you of the steps to take to protect yourself.
There are four keys to a snake and scorpion free yard: 1. cleanup your landscape, 2. seal entry points, 3. eliminate food sources and 4. keep your path visually clear to see threats.
About snakes and scorpions
Hot temperatures inspire snakes and scorpions to move about to look for food and cool shelter or water. Unfortunately, your yard can provide them all. To avoid crossing paths with a snake or a scorpion, take steps to make your yard unappealing to them.
Note, there are no repellents that truly prevent snakes and we do not recommend so-called repellents because they are toxic to you and your pets, but it is safe to try vinegar. The wiser strategy is to create a habitat which is not inviting.
And if you encounter a snake, remember they are also afraid of you, most are not poisonous and even poisonous snakes rarely deliver venom with a bite, so stay calm, back away slowly, and use your hose to move them out of your lawn instead of trying to harm them.
Maintain a clean landscape
Scorpions and snakes look for food and cool places to hang out during the summer. Keeping your yard trimmed and free of debris like dry or dead wood, weeds, grasses and leaf litter, especially near your house makes it unappealing to them and the food sources they seek.
Here specific steps to take:
Eliminate hiding places:
- Move piles of firewood or stone away from your house
- Clean beds of brush and debris
- Clean gutters
- Prune trees and shrubs to maintain a 2 to 3 foot clearing around the house
- Trim tree branches 10 feet from roof and chimney
- Keep grass short to dissuade snake travel
Seal up crevices and cracks
Once you have your landscape thoroughly trimmed, take a perimeter walk of your home and look any crevices and cracks that may provide entry points for snakes, scorpions or the critters they will follow for lunch.
- Seal cracks or crevices in foundation, house or sidewalks
- Screen off areas beneath porches as these make great critter hangouts
- Repair or replace weather stripping on doors and windows
- Screen off access points like chimneys and vents
- Install or replace weather stripping around loose windows and doors
- Block weep holes with mesh
- Replace window screens with holes or gaps
Eliminate food sources
- Avoid the temptation in this heat to overwater since high moisture attracts frogs, worms and other food sources
- Harvest ripe fruit as soon as possible since insect activity attracts scorpions
- Move bird feeders away from your house
- Clear any rodent-attracting debris
- Feed pets inside to avoid attracting rodents
A final tip to avoid encounters: Do not let them sneak up on you
- Snakes do not want to be seen, so keep grass short where you walk