Indoor air is dirty; these plants will clean it up
For the health of body and mind, we need to go outside and spend time in nature. Increasingly, however, we are spending more time inside, up to 90% of our time. This month, therefore, we suggest four NASA approved plants that will help to clear the air.
According to the CDC, indoor air “can be more seriously polluted than the outdoor air in…industrialized cities.” Mites, mold and pet dander are common irritants that can affect our health, but volatile organic compounds, like formaldehyde and benzene, are also commonly found in homes. Our carpets, furniture and walls can contribute toxins which air-conditioners merely recirculate.
These four plants, however, add style, color, and health to your home and work environments.

Snake plant – the oxygen releaser
Also known as Mother-in-laws tongue, this tall, architectural plant releases oxygen at night making it a great choice for the bedroom. It is also excellent for filtering VOCs like formaldehyde and is robust in the hands of neglectful caretakers.
Bamboo Palm – fast-growing and moisturizing
Another great air-purifier, the popular bamboo palm does well in low light and adds moisture to dry winter air.
Peace Lily – flowers and clean air
For graceful blooms in summer, the peace lily is a perfect air-purifier. It should not however be nibbled on by curious pets as it may be toxic when eaten.
Janet Craig – for those with brown thumbs
This plant remarkably thrives on neglect and low light. It is perfect if you have a tendency to forget to water your indoor plants.
Place one plant every 100 square feet to effectively clean the air. And if you need some help with the plants outside, we are happy to help!