Summer may not officially start until June 21st, but for us it has already begun. Temperatures are on the rise and Accuweather predicts that this June could be one of the hottest five on record.

Since summer’s scorching sun and extreme heat burns and dehydrates our plants just like us, you need to protect them with these 5 tips.


1 Water early

Set your alarm for an early morning watering before the sun pulls the moisture out of the soil. A deep, but infrequent watering is best for lawn and garden. But don’t over water because it can be as damaging as too little water; 1-2 times per week for the lawn and 2-3 times per week for plants.


2 Drip your water

If you have not already, consider drip irrigation or soaker hoses. They deliver water slowly reducing evaporation. If you have neither, hand watering is still more efficient than a sprinkler.


3 Mulch, mulch, mulch

A healthy 4-6 inch layer of mulch reduces evaporation and insulates roots from the heat.

Mulching is also good for your lawn. Instead of bagging your lawn clippings, use a mulching lawn mower to keep grass clipping on the lawn.


4 Create some shade

For the garden, a shade cloth strung in areas of intense sun can protect delicate plants like tomatoes against heat stress.

For the lawn, you can create shade by cutting your grass a little taller than usual and keep in more moisture.


5 Special attention for young and old

Young and old plants are especially stressed by summer heat. So as you make your summer survival plan, make sure you give your newest plants and most senior plants special attention.


* Extra consideration: Use Rainwater

Rainwater is superior to tap water because it has no chemicals and is loaded with natural minerals. If you have not already, consider a rainwater collection tank. Your lawn and garden will thank you.